Solaris-lomat organizes social holiday activity to such families and persons who could not otherwise have a holiday outside home. Any person or family that resides permanently in Finland can apply for holiday support.

Holiday support is granted on application based on economic, health and social grounds. Five-day full-board domestic holiday programs are designed around the needs of different target groups: families with children, pensioners, unemployed individuals, people with disabilities and people suffering from health issues.

Matters affecting the decision to grant a holiday are:

  • the applicant’s economic situation: e.g., small income, high medical expenses or accommodation costs, getting into debt, downgraded credit rating, foreclosure etc.
  • social grounds: unemployment, lay-off, loneliness, family carer role, family problems, immigrant status or a difficult situation in life.
  • health reasons: disability, physical or mental illnesses.
  • need for peer support
  • previous holiday support: applicants can be granted a supported holiday no more than every third year or three times within a time period of ten years. Those applying for the first time are given advantage!

Holiday fee is 125 euros per adult. Children under 16 go free. In addition, participant needs to arrange travel to and from holiday destination.

You may fill your application through here online (in Finnish):

Holiday application in English can be printed here. You can print out and send us your application by mail.

Please email us for more info at We are glad to help.

Follow us on social media @solarislomat